Feeling less confident about the physical appearance is not just occur in women, many men also feel that way. Men can make some healthy habits that can emit an aura of natural good looks.
Here are 10 tips that need to be done to make men more attractive appearance.
1. Care for skin care
Who says skin care is only needed by women only? Men also need to treat her skin to the epidermis of the skin cells do not die. Use a moisturizer to keep skin from drying.
It is also important to apply sunscreen to reduce premature aging and damage due to exposure to ultraviolet rays. Make the activity as a routine skin care such as shaving or brushing teeth.
2. Quit smoking
Smoking not only create a negative image of men get women, but smoking can also cause wrinkles in the skin that is worse than the effects of sunlight.
Smoking may rob the collagen and elastin that give skin texture, strength, elasticity and accelerate the aging process. Smoking also can cause grayish color of the skin.
3. A healthy diet
A diet that would make his skin more radiant, more beautiful hair and body fitter. The key is to keep it balanced nutrition. Eat foods rich in fiber that can lower cholesterol and low-sugar diet, high in protein and calcium.
4. Quality sleep
Fill your hours of sleep recommended for good health that is at least 8 hours a day. Sleep can restore all organs, including the skin which is the largest organ of the body.
Sleep can also reduce tension and anxiety, reduce wrinkles, frown lines and worry lines. Lack of sleep also cause dark circles under the eyes of men who interfere with performance.
5. Keep yourself from dehydration
The skin needs water to function properly, especially to counter the damage caused by the sun. Drinking eight glasses of water a day as recommended can also remove toxins from the body and bring nutrients to the skin layer (dermis).
6. Keep your body slim
Keeping your body to stay slim not only improve the appearance of man but also reduces the risk of stroke, cancer, diabetes and other diseases. But do diet in a proper way.
Reduce your intake of calories is not healthy by reducing the consumption of fried foods. In this way, the weight will be reduced to bedan man a pound for two weeks.
7. Be pro-antioxidant
Antioxidants such as vitamin A, C and E found in fruits and vegetables are very important for the body. Antioxidants promote and improve skin elasticity and also reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.
8. Cardio exercise
A cardio workout can lower stress, make men happier and give shine to the skin effect. Light aerobic exercise for half an hour a day can also increase heart rate and increase blood flow.
Exercise can also be done with a walk, ride a bike or doing activities that make the body sweat. Choose the type of exercise that is fun and makes him comfortable doing it.
9. Avoid drinking alcohol
Alcohol causes swelling of the tissues, especially eyes swollen and cause bad eating habits that lead to weight gain. It certainly makes him look bad appearance.
10. A robust body
Good posture really gives a good look for him. The core of strength training or exercise a little weight is to prevent bent body. Exercise for muscle strength training for 2 to 3 times a week.
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