Every woman does not have a menstrual cycle like other women. But all the women want him to have a menstrual cycle is shorter and lighter.
menstrusi you can shorten the cycle by utilizing the following suggestions:
1. Take a Tablet
Birth control pills may be more appropriate if it is used to prevent pregnancy, but can also be used to relieve symptoms and duration of menstrual bleeding. Oral contraceptives can help stop ovulation.
There is a kind of placebo pills that can be consumed within a week during menstruation. There's even a new pill that can reduce menstrual periods to four times per year.
2. The stability of your hormones the natural way
Some herbs can be helpful for the stability of the hormone naturally and may shorten the size of a menstrual period. According to the study of plant Chasteberry works to normalize the hypothalamic-pituitary prolactin and progesterone.
Progesterone is derived in a different part of the menstrual cycle and result in a period of protracted and severe, the efficacy of the herb can increase the degree of the hormone progesterone in the body so that menstrual periods lighter and shorter.
3. Sport
You may be able to shorten the interval period increased physical exercise throughout the month. Increased cardiovascular exercise such as walking exercise can reduce menstrual periods are very long.
One other positive impact of the train is a reduction in the signs of PMS (Pre-menstrual syndrome) along with cramping. Make sure you always exercise even when you are menstruating.
4. Orgasm
Achieve orgasm by masturbation or sexual intercourse may shorten the duration of menstruation. Sexual activity or masturbation can also help scale back the size of the menstrual cycle by causing additional contractions in the uterus during orgasm.
These contractions may help shed extra fast menstrual blood in a short time. Get orgasm earlier than menstruation can prevent PMS cramps while eliminating endorphins throughout the sexual act.
5. Stay hydrated
Drink plenty of water each day can also help shorten the menstrual period. If you exercise often, make sure you drink several glasses of water during and after exercise. You also need to stay away from sugary drinks, caffeine and alcohol during menstruation.
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