Saturday, June 30, 2012

Depression Triggers jobs

Choosing the type of work is based on the desire of your heart. Of course, the work we choose will we live with a sense of joy. However, that does not mean the job has challenges.

Almost all jobs have challenges that can lead to depression or stress. Many aspects that can lead to stress, such as irregular working hours, targets to be achieved in the work, or the amount of work to do.

Of the many types of jobs, there are some jobs that are very susceptible to trigger the onset of depression. These are jobs that trigger depression.

Nurses. Every day nurses job is to help patient's daily activities, are like bathing, eating, and other small activities. Depression arises when when they do not get awards or thank you for what they do. They also stress when caring for the sick without getting positive support.
Waiter. Required for the proper servant to serve the order. They also must be agile so that customers do not wait too long. This must be done so that customers do not complain.

Arts workers. Many people who thought that the art work is a very nice job. In fact, they make art as a profession. So, they have to think hard to create art for sale. Working hours and uncertain income also triggers the onset of depression.
Jobs in health. Doctors, midwives, nurses and other health professionals is a work in risk of depression. Irregular working hours and responsibilities concerning the safety of the lives of others is a stressor.

Teachers. Profession as an educator or teacher should have a great spirit to face the students. Every child has a distinct character and abilities. Demands for educating children to be smart to have a lot of pressure.
Sales. Many salespeople (sales) who work on commission, where they do not know when the salary will come. Sales jobs tend to travel long distances, and spend lots of time.
Social work. Social work at risk of depression. Their work is always dealing with people who ask for help so much of the time. Having a strong mental and patience to deal with people who need help.

Administrative staff. Administrative work at the forefront and has received orders from all directions. In fact, they get the unexpected and do not get the recognition he was doing work related.

The National Mental Health Information Center at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services lists numerous triggers. Here are five:
Interpersonal friction
Feeling overwhelmed or having too much to do
Being judged or criticized
Ending a relationship
Physical illness
Depression and Employment Discrimination
What you can do to protect your rights and try to stay sane at work Read more
More about depression
The Stigma of Mental Illness
17 Ways to Avoid Depression Relapse
Self-Help Groups for Depression
Sometimes the signs of dangerous stress are more subtle. Laura Gilmartin, 38, an office manager in Skokie, Ill., finds herself eating more junk food or smoking more than usual. "Or if I find myself coming home from work and falling into bed more than two days in a row, that gets me scared. The more time I want to spend in bed the more I know I need to get out of bed."

Delay decisions during relapse
The temptation to stop treatment on your own is another trigger, one that can lead to a downward spiral. Mary, 45, of Western Massachusetts, almost landed in the hospital during a suicidal depressive episode when she decided to go cold turkey. "What happens is I begin to feel great, and I rationalize that less is better when it comes to medication.
If you are in the midst of a relapse, it's critical to realize that your outlook on everything is altered, and it's unlikely that you will be aware of your lack of perspective. "So to the extent possible, important decisions should be delayed," says Richard Raskin, PhD, a licensed psychologist in New York City.

Lisa, 42, a real estate broker in Huntington, N.Y., has been battling depression for years and can now steel herself against relapses. During the past year, she and her husband separated, and though she felt sad, she used the tools she learned in therapy to keep perspective. "I wasn't depressed. I think that's a testament of what talk therapy and medication can do. Ten years ago that would have put me in the grave."
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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

13 Tips for the spirit and the Brain Directly Shining in the Morning

The morning is a good time to start everything all day before the activity. Lack of preparation in the morning will make the body less fatigue and disconnected thoughts or often called slow. This is of course greatly affects job performance or ability to think.

1. Avoid eating lots of sugar
If it will hold an important meeting, avoid drinking soda or other drinks that contain lots of sugar. A study from UCLA shows that eating lots of sugar for 6 weeks can make a fool.

Rats fed fructose-rich diet had a slower brain activity and impaired memory and learning ability. The good news is that eating omega-3 rich foods such as nuts and fish, can prevent this interference.

2. Diligent exercise
The study, published Journal of the National Cancer Institute suggests that exercise can reduce the risk of premature death from cancer. The researchers reviewed 45 studies since 1950 and found that almost all research shows that physically active people have an increased risk of death from cancer is lower. The risk of degenerative diseases such as heart disease or diabetes were also lower.

3. Limit the use of social networking media
Symptoms of addiction to social networking is becoming increasingly common. In the United States, 81% of attorneys reported an increase in the demands of divorce cases using social networking as evidence during the last 5 years. Limit the use of social networks as needed and not too late to surf in cyberspace.

4. Drinking low-fat milk
Many consume low fat dairy products like milk and yogurt can reduce the risk of stroke, according to Swedish researchers who monitor nearly 75 000 men and women in their middle and older for 10 years. Study participants who consumed an average of 4 servings of low fat dairy products each day had a stroke risk 12% lower than the general population.

5. Do not complain
Many people like to complain and the problem will be busy. Complaints are heard or uttered himself greatly affect mood. Ways that are not easily affected by the complaint and both self and others is not to listen, especially those not built.

6. Expand to eat vegetables and fruit
Vegetables and fruits rich in antiooskidan and nutrients your body needs, and most important is low in cholesterol and sugar. In addition to improving fitness, eating fruits and vegetables also help to shrink the waistline.
7. Eat like a cow
Human beings are not like cows chew the cud, but can mimic the healthy habits of animals. Breakfast does not have to be done once with a large portion, but is divided into four smaller portions and eaten with a gap of 1 hour each, so it felt did not stop eating like a cow.

These habits can improve verbal reasoning and problem solving skills (problem solving) to 35 percent).

10. Breakfast is nuts
Nuts contain polyphenolic compounds that are good for brain health. A Swedish study proves that breakfast nuts can improve working memory by 19 percent, making it more smoothly invited to think.

11. Walk
Take a walk around the complex to just buy vegetables or chicken porridge at the end of the alley could increase to 16 per cent cognitive flexibility, which means it's easier out ideas and the ideas to solve the problem. No need to walk too far, just 20 minutes.

12. Expand protein
A healthy breakfast is not that contain lots of sugar and carbohydrates, but protein. Study in Japan showed that the protein provides more energy for the brain to think that its activity increased 20 percent when given a breakfast of protein, compared karbihodrat at breakfast only.

13. eating chocolate
One of the useful content of chocolate for the brain is caffeine, which is also contained in many copies. Caffeine from the chocolate more effectively enhance the ability of the brain precisely because the levels are less than in coffee. Caffeine is only useful in the levels of 20-30 mg, the rest will not provide additional benefits.
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Postnatal hard Lubrication

do not worry you'll still be happy your husband. Understand after giving birth to approximately 3 months of hormonal fluctuations are relative to your mood fluctuates even less fun. Plus you have to adjust your new role as a mother while still a major role as a wife.

Lubrication does not come out because you do not feel aroused. Most women feel sexy after giving birth and not be tired because of the new roles and changing hormones.

Tips from me: treat yourself to a spa, use clothes that make you feel pretty fit if not buy a new one. Use underwear that makes you feel sexy and berkacalah.

Reassure the woman in the mirror that he attracted and sensual regardless of your weight. Bring confidence to the bed where you will have sex with your husband. When shopping buy gel for vaginal lubrication just in case you are lacking. The gel can increase the sensation of pleasure you have sex or try a condom with a certain gesture can also add to your enjoyment.
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tips to prevent premature ejaculation

One of the factors that affect the quality of sex is a 'security' men in action in bed. How long he stays during penetration, will determine the level of sexual satisfaction as well as his own wife. If you want him to avoid premature ejaculation, there are seven things to avoid, as reported by Your Tango.

1. Excessive alcohol consumption

Alcoholic beverages in large quantities will reduce the amount of hormone that plays an important role in maintaining the resilience of man in bed.

2. Oversmoke

Products containing tobacco such as cigarettes contain chemicals that can clog arteries and lead to premature ejaculation.

3. caffeinated beverages

Do not drink too much coffee, tea or other caffeinated beverages. Caffeine is a diuretic, which increases the frequency of urination. It can reduce a man's ability to survive longer during lovemaking and potentially accelerate ejaculation.

4. lack of Sleep

Lack of sleep can lower your stamina in bed also reduces the number of essential nutrients necessary for a man is more durable in sex.

5. stress

Stress, anxiety and depression are the main destroyer of intimacy in the bedroom. Stress causes the body releases the hormone cortisol, which is believed to be the leading cause of premature ejaculation in men.

6. Not Balanced Diet

Unhealthy diet is one of the main factors causing premature ejaculation. The man with the wrong diet does not have enough nutrients it needs to maintain power during sex.

7. Sex Position Specific

Some sexual positions like doggy style and missionary could cause excessive stimulation of the penis during penetration, making it quicker ejaculation. If you want more durable, try woman on top position.
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tips to avoid While Disappointing Sex couples.

do not worry you'll still be happy your husband. Understand after giving birth to approximately 3 months of hormonal fluctuations are relative to your mood fluctuates even less fun. Plus you have to adjust your new role as a mother while still a major role as a wife.

Lubrication does not come out because you do not feel aroused. Most women feel sexy after giving birth and not be tired because of the new roles and changing hormones.

Tips from me: treat yourself to a spa, use clothes that make you feel pretty fit if not buy a new one. Use underwear that makes you feel sexy and berkacalah.

Reassure the woman in the mirror that he attracted and sensual regardless of your weight. Bring confidence to the bed where you will have sex with your husband. When shopping buy gel for vaginal lubrication just in case you are lacking. The gel can increase the sensation of pleasure you have sex or try a condom with a certain gesture can also add to your enjoyment.

Certified sex psychologist who has a background of sexual education in psychology. Chairman of the Community Study of Sexual Behavior.
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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

tips Healthy Habits That Make Men More Handsome

Feeling less confident about the physical appearance is not just occur in women, many men also feel that way. Men can make some healthy habits that can emit an aura of natural good looks.

Here are 10 tips that need to be done to make men more attractive appearance.
1. Care for skin care

Who says skin care is only needed by women only? Men also need to treat her skin to the epidermis of the skin cells do not die. Use a moisturizer to keep skin from drying.

It is also important to apply sunscreen to reduce premature aging and damage due to exposure to ultraviolet rays. Make the activity as a routine skin care such as shaving or brushing teeth.

2. Quit smoking

Smoking not only create a negative image of men get women, but smoking can also cause wrinkles in the skin that is worse than the effects of sunlight.

Smoking may rob the collagen and elastin that give skin texture, strength, elasticity and accelerate the aging process. Smoking also can cause grayish color of the skin.

3. A healthy diet

A diet that would make his skin more radiant, more beautiful hair and body fitter. The key is to keep it balanced nutrition. Eat foods rich in fiber that can lower cholesterol and low-sugar diet, high in protein and calcium.

4. Quality sleep

Fill your hours of sleep recommended for good health that is at least 8 hours a day. Sleep can restore all organs, including the skin which is the largest organ of the body.

Sleep can also reduce tension and anxiety, reduce wrinkles, frown lines and worry lines. Lack of sleep also cause dark circles under the eyes of men who interfere with performance.

5. Keep yourself from dehydration

The skin needs water to function properly, especially to counter the damage caused by the sun. Drinking eight glasses of water a day as recommended can also remove toxins from the body and bring nutrients to the skin layer (dermis).

6. Keep your body slim

Keeping your body to stay slim not only improve the appearance of man but also reduces the risk of stroke, cancer, diabetes and other diseases. But do diet in a proper way.

Reduce your intake of calories is not healthy by reducing the consumption of fried foods. In this way, the weight will be reduced to bedan man a pound for two weeks.

7. Be pro-antioxidant

Antioxidants such as vitamin A, C and E found in fruits and vegetables are very important for the body. Antioxidants promote and improve skin elasticity and also reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.

8. Cardio exercise

A cardio workout can lower stress, make men happier and give shine to the skin effect. Light aerobic exercise for half an hour a day can also increase heart rate and increase blood flow.

Exercise can also be done with a walk, ride a bike or doing activities that make the body sweat. Choose the type of exercise that is fun and makes him comfortable doing it.

9. Avoid drinking alcohol

Alcohol causes swelling of the tissues, especially eyes swollen and cause bad eating habits that lead to weight gain. It certainly makes him look bad appearance.

10. A robust body

Good posture really gives a good look for him. The core of strength training or exercise a little weight is to prevent bent body. Exercise for muscle strength training for 2 to 3 times a week.
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Want To persuade people Condom Use

As part of a campaign promoting safe sex and condom use, Sweden launched an application called Provligget or Nooky Test. Through this application, users can try what it feels like having sex with a variety of fantasy characters, from the coach, her innocence, to celebrities.

This application was developed by the Swedish Institute for Communicable Disease Control (SMI). After selecting a virtual sex partners, the user will be asked if you want to use condoms or not.

These applications will then record the groans and moans user is then mixed with the excited voices of characters during lovemaking user options. Character options provided all played by lesser-known Swedish actor.

When listening to the voice, a message appears asking questions like "Did you know that people are advised to use condoms perceived as confident and attention?" and "Did you know that Sweden is the worst country in the world in the use of condoms?"

User (user) can send a request to his Facebook friends and ask if they are interested in becoming a sex partner through the application. This option can be selected if the character's sexual fantasies provided the application is considered less attractive.

"You two can then mix the sounds together to make love," said Raagsjoe.

Raagsjoe believe that the application is quite entertaining this will increase the awareness of users.

Sweden is a country poor in the use of condoms. Recent findings indicate that only about 40 percent of all Swedish citizens are diligent use of condoms.

Swedish Institute for Communicable Disease Control (SMI) also found that rates of gonorrhea infection or gonorrhea in Sweden increased 13 percent last year compared to the year 2010. Chlamydia and HIV infection rates also increased.

This new application will make young people think and discuss their sexual habits. Until now, this age group hardest persuaded to use condoms.

People here are still a bit shy. We are known for being open about sex, but it is still difficult to come up with a discourse on the use of condoms.
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